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Marie Chouinard

Loïe Fuller

The Serpentin Dancer 

Loïe Fuller, original name Marie Louise Fuller, (born Jan. 15, 1862, Fullersburg [now part of Hinsdale], Ill., U.S.—died Jan. 1, 1928, Paris, France), American dancer who achieved international distinction for her innovations in theatrical lighting, as well as for her invention of the “Serpentine Dance,” a striking variation on the popular “skirt dances” of the day.

Fuller made her stage debut in Chicago at the age of four, and over the next quarter century she toured with stock companies, burlesque shows, vaudeville, and Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, gave temperance lectures and Shakespearean readings, and appeared in a variety of plays in Chicago and New York City.

A popular if not authenticated explanation of the origin of Fuller’s innovative dances claims that, while rehearsing Quack, M.D. (produced 1891), Fuller was inspired by the billowing folds of transparent China silk. She began experimenting with varying lengths of silk and different coloured lighting and gradually evolved her "Serpentine Dance," which she first presented in New York in February 1892. Later in the year she traveled to Europe and in October opened at the Folies Bergère in her "Fire Dance," in which she danced on glass illuminated from below. She quickly became the toast of avant-garde Paris. Henri de Toulouse-LautrecAuguste Rodin, and Jules Chéret used her as a subject, several writers dedicated works to her, and daring society women sought her out. She lived and worked mainly in Europe thereafter. Her later experiments in stage lighting, a field in which her influence was deeper and more lasting than in choreography, included the use of phosphorescent materials and silhouette techniques.

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